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Our group workshops can be scaled for every level of experience and cover a range of topics including:


-- The basics for healthy posture and how playing an instrument can affect us


-- An understanding of playing-related positions and pre-hab exercises to help bring the body back into the balance and harmony of Neutral Position


-- Tools and vocabulary to bring these concepts into your own teaching


-- An ergonomic approach to online teaching and working from home


-- A foundation for building a more efficient practice routine using what we know about muscular functioning and athletic training


-- Resources to learn more about optimal muscular performance, the role of the nervous system, and global health


-- Sessions focusing on grounding & breath work to combat the effects of stress and anxiety related to pressures in the workplace


-- Post-hab recovery and self-care


-- Partner stretches, therapeutic AcroYoga, & Thai massage to slow down and reset the nervous system


-- Intro to AcroYoga workshops with a focus on team building, developing confidence, trust, and exploring the therapeutic aspects of partner stretching and partner acrobatics


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